Please read and follow these terms to ensure your site gets listed.
Updated October 21, 2003
- We currently only list TOTALLY FREE, GAY or ALL MALE sites. We don't list paysites or AVS sites in the free directory. If you'd like to advertise a pay site, please click here.
- We don't link to any sites that contain:
- Underage models - A good rule of thumb: if your models are under 25, you must have a proper statement that all models are over the age of 18 on the site or it will be rejected. We will immediately delete sites that appear to have underage models and report the site to ASACP.
- Rape or sex combined with violence or gore. That includes heavy bondage.
- Beastiality, scat, or anything that doesn't feel right to us.
- Pop up consoles (entry, blur, or exit). Our surfers have spoken and we have to respect their wishes.
- Misleading "Enter" links or other misleading navigation including blind linked thumbnails or other involuntary redirects.
- More ads than content. Ads are fine, but only in proportion to content.
- Sites on non-adult free hosts (tripod, geocities, aol hometown, etc.). These sites cannot handle the amount of traffic that we send and are quickly shut down. If you have a good site, we'll consider adding to the directory but not the new list. Email [email protected] and we'll take a look at it. You can also use one of the many adult free hosts such as www.maleserver.com.
- Banned Words: Underage, schoolboy, young boy(s), rape, innocent, little boys, or any other words we feel give our surfers the wrong message.
- Reciprocal links are required. Click here to select one.
- Changing your site to require an AVS or a password after its submitted will get all of your sites deleted from the directory without notice. We're really easy to get along with, just send over an email before you change things and we'll work something out.
- Please do not submit more than one templated site per day.
- Questions? Just us before you submit.