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Just Us Boys is by far the best gay porn site on the net, keep up the good work guys. Has given lots of opportunity to use message board and chat. Lots of pics and now movies to sit back and jack off to. (bike10)
Not to sound like a 'paid advertisement' (or an ass kisser) but you guys really need to join the Club as it is only going to get better and better. (phoneguy2)
Do yourself a favor, pay the few bucks it costs to join, (hell for some of you, its the price you pay for a few drinks when your out clubbing, and you don't think twice about doing that) it's worth it just for the added forum features you get. what will you do a year from now when this site is really kickin', and the cost to join is a lot higher? (fuzzy64)
All I can say is JUST DO IT BOYS you are missing something realy good if you don't! Congrats to JD and Seth and big thanks for all your HARD work (stuboy)
I just turned a friend of mine, Michael T. who is the photography editor for 'The Guide' magazine , on to 'Just Us Boys' and the 'Boys Club'.

The Guide is the largest gay travel magazine around and is an international publication. They have a free travel publication and free website that are the best in the world and we have advertised with them for several years. I must say...he was very impressed!

This is Pride week-end in St.Louis and Michael is here to cover our events, so while he's staying with us, I've given him the opportunity to preview the 'Boys Club'. He was amazed at the content and applauded the introductive offer of $9.47 a month with additional discounts after 3 and 6 have access to a site like this after that pierod for only $7.47 a month is just unheard of.

He told me that most sites of this quality usually run from $25.00 and up a month, and he has paid a lot more for access to sites with much less content. (fliptrx)

There are *a lot* of amateur pics, celeb pics AND mardi gras pics (kind of) something you dont find on much paysite, except if the paysite is specialized on it (like pure celeb or amateur sites) (Corny)
You've gotta join guys. You can't see all those pics in one day. It's so amazing. (Jehuty)
very easy to navigate and a LOT of content. many thousands of pics, most in series groupings, and many vids, easily downloadable. i have to admit, i did save one to my harddrive, for perusal later.

while i initially had no intention of ever joining, i am gonna reconsider the decision. i find it intriguing...the notion of a porn flick directed by our hottie hosts, j.d. and seth! i think i have to check it out! (gingentleman)

Considering it's only been up for a couple of weeks, there is a ton of good porn on there already. It's easy to navigate, and very professional looking. Obviously, the Admins aren't shooting their own porn yet, but knowing what sticklers for quality they are, I expect it'll be phenomenal when they do. The forum perks are the icing on the cake.

I love it guys. I give it one thumb up and one very busy left hand. (Sleeping Dragon)

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